The 101st KLM miniature house is a replica of the 800-year-old building "Die Mariaen" (now known as "De Moriaan") in ’s-Hertogenbosch in the southern province of Brabant in the Netherlands.
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The 101st KLM miniature house is a replica of the 800-year-old building "Die Mariaen" (now known as "De Moriaan") in ’s-Hertogenbosch in the southern province of Brabant in the Netherlands.
"De Moriaan" is one of the oldest brick buildings in the Netherlands. It was built in ’s-Hertogenbosch (also known as Den Bosch) over 800 years ago by members of the local nobility who settled in the new city, which had been granted a city charter in 1184. The enormous, 5-metre-high cellar was accessible at the rear from the quays of the inner harbour. Above this semi-underground commercial space was a huge hall, which was doubtlessly also used for trade. Behind this were a few smaller rooms and a kitchen.
The following historical text was found about the building:
„Die hartoghe van Brabant Henric, dede timmeren op die merct twee plaisante huzen, te weten Roijenburch ende tcasteel op die Mariaen.”
(„The Duke of Brabant Henric commissioned to build two pleasant houses at the market, Roijenburch and the castle at the Mariaen.”)
"De Moriaan" was threatened with demolition in the 1950s, but was ultimately saved after years of protests by the people of Den Bosch. The city council eventually decided to preserve and restore the building, revealing once more the striking architecture of this "city castle". Today, "De Moriaan" is home to the VVV 's-Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch) tourist visitor centre.
(Source: news.klm.com)